Execute the perfect leadership exit strategy in 30 minutes a week

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Decrease HR off-boarding workload by up to 50%

Seamlessly transfer key knowledge and skills

100% risk free

Individual brainstorming session

What is Legacy Forge?

Every organization has its legacy leaders – those who have been the company's backbone, holding invaluable knowledge and experience. As critical players leave your business, the challenge is ensuring that this wealth of knowledge doesn't walk out the door with them. Enter Legacy Forge's online course curriculum – a meticulously designed program to ensure a smooth transition and knowledge transfer during employee turnover.

Our Legacy Forge process is built on the premise that sharing domain knowledge is an integral part of an employee's responsibility. While the knowledge remains the intellectual property of the individual, the organization has the prerogative to request its transfer. Our program assists HR professionals and team leads in this crucial process, ensuring that the organization's momentum continues unhindered.

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What our clients are saying

"In the 11 years that I have been with the company, our overall leadership team is the most solid it has ever been. Our senior leadership team is particularly strong, thanks in large part to the monthly one-on-one coaching sessions provided by the Herringshaw Group to each of our members. We enjoy very high retention rates in leadership positions, and our team at all levels has a clear understanding of our defined mission, vision, values, and strategy."

Dahl Automotive Logo
Heather Steinhoff
VP, Human Resources
Dahl Automotive

"Engaging with Herringshaw Group has helped make me and my team more effective as leaders and team members.  The return on investment is a no-brainer."

Compassion International Logo
James Hansen
VP, Office of Risk Managment
Compassion International

"Working with the Herringhaw Group has been transformative... Having someone who is genuinely for us, equipped with the right tools and experience, is essential. It's been a dynamic opportunity to work with them, and the impact on my team and me has been profound. I would say to anyone considering the Herringhaw Group: You can't afford not to do it."

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Beth Maddox
Regional Agency Direction

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One on one apprenticeship session between two men

Short-notice Turnover

Duration: 6 days
Commitment: Approximately 1 hour/day
Components: Instructional videos, reading materials, and reflective exercises.

Matt Herringshaw teaches this Legacy Forge Departures course. This course is designed to assist exiting employees in their transition. Over a week, this course will help the employee:

  • Reflect on their time and contributions.
  • Document their competencies, both conscious and unconscious.
  • Transfer their knowledge, and set up the organization for continued success post-departure.
  • Empower them for their next chapter.


Woman using the Fair & Well retirements course

Planned Retirements

Duration: 12 months (flexible)
Approximately 4 hours/month
Instructional videos, reading materials, and reflective exercises, and optional 1-on-1 coaching

Dr. Mark Herringshaw and the Herringshaw Group present the Legacy Forge Retirements course; a meticulously crafted course designed to assist  in employee transition into retirement. Key benefits include:

  • A systematic approach to ensure valuable institutional knowledge is seamlessly transferred from retiring employees to their successors.
  • A focus on appraising, apprenticing, and appointing, organizations benefit from a smooth and effective succession plan.
  • Democratize domain knowledge, safeguarding critical organizational information while respecting individual intellectual rights.
  • Ensure a comprehensive handover by delving into the transfer of values, relationships, and organizational culture.
  • Tailored to support HR professionals and team leaders, the course equips them with tools and strategies to guide retiring employees effectively, preserving legacy and ensuring organizational continuity.

Don't let the challenges of turnover slow your organization down.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the primary objective of the Legacy Forge course?

The course aims to guide individuals through a structured transition process, ensuring they leave their current organization on a positive note while also preparing them for their next chapter.

How long does the course take to complete?

The "Departures" course is designed to be completed over six working days, with each module taking approximately one hour.
The "Retirement" course is designed to be completed over 12 months, with bi-monthly lessons, and optional 1-on-1 coaching calls.

Who is this course designed for?

This course is tailored for individuals who are nearing the end of their tenure with an organization and wish to ensure a smooth transition for both themselves and their successors.

How is the Legacy Forge Departures course different from other transition courses?

Legacy Forge Departures l focuses on both conscious and unconscious competencies, ensuring that even skills and knowledge that have become second nature are effectively transferred. It also emphasizes ending on a positive note to pave the way for future opportunities.

Do I need any prior knowledge or preparation before starting the course?

No prior preparation is required. However, participants are encouraged to approach the course with an open mind and a willingness to reflect on their experiences and contributions.

How confidential is the Legacy Forge process?

Confidentiality is one of our top priorities. All assessments, workshops, and consultations are confidential, and any shared information remains strictly within the confines of the process. Participating members of Herringshaw Group will be happy to sign any NDAs necessary.

Can the course be customized to fit my specific needs or timeline?

The Legacy Forge Leadership Succession course is designed to take 12 months to complete. Lessons are designed to take about one hour every two weeks.  

For the short notice turnovers,  the course is structured for a six-day completion. Participants can adjust the pace based on their individual needs. The content, however, remains consistent for all users.

Who is Dr. Mark Herringshaw?

Dr. Mark Herringshaw is the founder of Herringshaw Group, a consultancy that specializes in helping individuals and organizations transition effectively. With years of experience, he brings a wealth of knowledge to the Fair & Well Departures course.

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